
This morning as I was drinking my coffee and scrolling insta, I came across an IGTV video by the beautiful Dawnchere Wilkerson. She’s been doing a series called “To Hell and Back”. She’s had some FIRE stuff to say lately. But this morning’s mini series video was talking about time. Her biggest point is that […]


What a beautiful day! I have anxiously awaited a warm, sunshine-y day for so long and today, my wish came to life. And to make this day even better, hubs surprised the pups and I by coming home from the office early to work from home and avoid any potential coronavirus germs! We were able […]

When Someone Encourages You…

If you’ve read my previous posts, you’d quickly learn that I am a pretty positive person. I love to be an encouragement to those around me and I make sure that I keep my perspective as optimistic as possible. But nonetheless, I love having the reputation as an encourager. But a lot of times, my […]

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